C Tokens

C Tokens

  1. Every C program is a collection of instructions and every instruction is a group of some individual units.
  2. Every smallest particularly individual unit of a ‘C’ program is called token.
  3. Every instruction used in any c program is a collection of tokens. The main and particular work of  tokens are to construct c programs and they are said to the basic building blocks of a c program also.

    In a c program, some very popular tokens are the following:-
  1. Keywords
  2. Identifiers
  3. Operators
  4. Special Symbols
  5. Constants
  6. Strings
  7. Data values

In a C program, collection of all the keywords, identifiers, operators, special symbols, constants, strings and data values are called as tokens.

Let us see the following C program:-

C program to print all the characters of C character Set



int main()


        int i;


        printf(“ASCII  ==>  Character\n”);

        for(i = -128; i <= 127; i++)

           printf(“%d    ==>     %c\n”, i, i);


        return 0;


In the above program 22 tokens are used.

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