C Character Set

C Character Set

        C language has also a set of characters as every language contains. Which include alphabets, digits and special symbols. It supports a total of 256 characters.

Every C program contains statements. These can be constructed using words and also constructed using characters from C character set. The following set of characters is being used by C language character set:-

  1. Alphabets
  2. Digits
  3. Special Symbols

  1)  Alphabets

C language supports all the English alphabets{ a,b,c…..to z}and also {A,B,C,….Z}  Lower and upper case letters respectively . Total 52 alphabets characters is supported by ‘C’,because ‘a’ and ‘A’ are different for ‘c’.

     2)  Digits

C language supports 10 digits which are used to construct numerical values in C language.

Digits – 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

  3) Special Symbols

C language supports a huge set of special symbols that include symbols to perform mathematical operations, for checking conditions, white spaces, back spaces and any other special symbols.

                        Examples of some special symbols are :-

{-  ~ @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ – + = { } [ ] ; : ‘ ” / ? . > , < \ | tab newline space NULL bell backspace vertical tab etc.,}

      à Each and every character in C language has its equivalent ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) value.

 Commonly used characters in C with their ASCII values are:-

dennis ritchie, father of c, father of unix

C program to print all the characters of C character Set



int main() {

        int i;


        printf(“ASCII  ==>  Character\n”);

        for(i = -128; i <= 127; i++)

           printf(“%d    ==>     %c\n”, i, i);


        return 0;


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